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Welcome to Seeq's Trust Center. Our commitment to data privacy and security is embedded in every part of our business. Use this Trust Center to learn about our security posture and request access to our security documentation.

Seeq Corporation provides operations and manufacturing process analysis software through its Advanced Analytics Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) offerings. Seeq’s SaaS offerings enable users to connect to manufacturing data in time-series databases, to analyze this data, and to present work in reports and dashboards. The Seeq Advanced Analytics SaaS System (System or SaaS System) includes the following four services:

  • Seeq Cortex—Service that performs the data integration between source systems, such as historians and enterprise time-series data that stores and maintains all meta data and information security.
  • Seeq Workbench—Web browser application for engineers engaged in diagnostic, descriptive, simple prescriptive, and predictive analytics with time series data.
  • Seeq Organizer—Web browser application for engineers and managers to assemble and distribute insights as reports, dashboards, or web pages.
  • Seeq Data Lab— Web browser-based Python environment, built on Jupyter, Pandas, and Numpy and designed to overcome data accessibility problems and to facilitate cooperation between data scientists, statisticians, and engineers.


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